You Have Tried to Destroy Me…Workout Wednesday Rant!

You have tried to destroy me and though I perish daily, I shall not be moved—Maya Angelou

The morning whispers of the day ahead offering hope and providing us a new chance to follow our dreams—Unknown

What this annual check-up brought sharply into focus for me. I still stuck to my beloved Workout Wednesday routine with my faithful dog by my side.

What we've endured over these past couple of years—first grappling with the unknown, the whys and how’s of it all, and now with the lingering threat of Covid still looming large—is what this annual check-up brought sharply into focus for me. And why am I angry? It's about what I've had to endure, what I've had to face, and yet, despite it all, I still stuck to my beloved Workout Wednesday routine with my faithful dog by my side.

In one of those who raised you moments, a woman approached me, sneezing without bothering to cover her nose or mouth

Praise the Lord and pass the Lysol, LOL. However, I had just received the RSV vaccination, and it was too early to build up any resistance.

I medicated up, hit the trails, but then found myself crashing hard, needing two days of rest to recover. And "6 feet apart" felt like a cruel joke, especially knowing that a sneeze laden with Covid particles could travel much farther than that, reminding me of the long-term effects of two years in isolation. It's moments like encountering hypervigilant individuals and the carelessly oblivious ones that fuel my frustration.

Remember Seeing This in School?

Take, for instance, the encounter I had while picking up my prescriptions. In one of those who raised you moments, a woman approached me, sneezing without bothering to cover her nose or mouth—clearly, Covid's grip wasn't loosening for some. In that moment, I instinctively held my breath and hastily donned my emergency mask. It wasn't a fear of catching Covid again, having battled it just last year, but rather the memory of the relentless coughing fits that took months to overcome. I thought I was resigned to spells of coughing uncontrollably forever, but it finally stopped. Praise the Lord and pass the Lysol, LOL. However, I had just received the RSV vaccination, and it was too early to build up any resistance.

This Would Have Been Cool

The memory of the relentless coughing fits that took months to overcome. I thought I was resigned to spells of coughing uncontrollably forever…

Thankfully, those fits eventually ceased, but not without a few home remedies and a lot of patience. And as ironic as it may sound, I couldn't help but think back to a time when my concoction of 1 part peroxide and to 9 parts water, used to spray the air to get the spores out of the air when I had to inoculate mushroom spawn to minimize the chance of contamination, suddenly seemed like a stroke of genius. I figured the same principle would apply in this case as well. I would have my husband spray down when he would come home from work. I didn’t have to as I worked from home.

Of course, the notion was met with laughter from my family until they heard a scientist echoing the same sentiment on TV. Suddenly, I wasn't the "crazy" one anymore—perhaps just a little ahead of the curve. And it saved us $12 on a can of Lysol.

Covid in the air is not considered spores. It primarily spreads through respiratory droplets expelled when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes. These droplets can contain the virus and can be inhaled by others nearby, leading to transmission. While Covid particles can linger in the air for a period of time, they are not the same as spores, which are reproductive structures produced by certain organisms like fungi and bacteria

Clear to Me Now

How it works: Spraying the air with a water and peroxide mixture doesn't kill the Covid particles, but rather encapsulates them. Because water droplets are heavier than the droplets, they fall to the ground instead of being inhaled. This technique helps prevent contamination by ensuring the respiratory droplets aren't breathed in.

But amidst the chaos, there came a realization that prolonged mask-wearing might have unintended consequences, depleting the immune systems we've worked so hard to bolster. It became a delicate dance between vaccination, boosters, and the eventual embrace of herd immunity—a journey none of us anticipated, but one we're navigating, nonetheless. To be continued…

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